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Counting the cost


A profound exposition into the life of a minister or servant of the Gospel, the many sacrifices He has to make, and his perception of the work committed into his hands. An evergreen counsel for the one who seeks to serve the Lord amidst the endless challenges that the world throws at him.

There is a cost to count in following the Lord, and this teaching is a head start, on a lifetime journey of devotion and consecration to the Gospel.

Counting the Cost will stir the heart of every believer to commit entirely to the work of ministry, trusting the strength that the spirit of God supplies, with every sense of confidence in the grace of God. This teaching will help the minister of the Gospel to understand and prioritize the work placed in his hands. An explanation of Biblical hate, this teaching will help you understand the words of Jesus and His misunderstood neglect of one’s family. You will find answers to the long standing battle between men and their loved ones who are unwavering in their commitment to the Gospel, and bridge the knowledge gap in many caught in between having undivided loyalty to the Gospel, and chasing their legitimate desires and ambitions.